Tuesday 27 April 2010

List of 20 words

1- Environment: surroundings
I live in a very nice environment.

2- Ecology: study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment
My friend wants to study ecology after he finishes the secondary school.

3- Biology: study of life
It is very nice to study biology because it is teaching us the meaning of life.

4- Philosophy: study of the nature of human thought and of the world.
I am thinking of studying philosophy in America next year.

5- Psychology: study of the mind
The best subject in my opinion is psychology.

6- Psychiatry : branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses.
Psychiatry is a very hard subject.

7- Suitable: appropriate
This jacket is very suitable for me.

8- Theory: coherent group of general assumptions
I hope I invent a new theory in mathematics.

9- Influence: affect
The death of Sheikh Zayed influenced me.

10- Fund: supply
My father gave me funds for my new small business to help me.

11- Scheme: plan
I have a very nice scheme for my new house which I will build in Khalifa A City.

12- Accomplish: complete
The building of my new house will be accomplished two years from now.

13- Dimension: measure
Yesterday I saw a new 3-D movie.

14- Responsible:
I am responsible for the accident because it is my fault.

15- Administrative: managerial
Increasing the salaries next month is an administrative decision.

16- Majority: greater part or number
The majority of people in Abu Dhabi are encouraging Al Ain Club.

17- Citizen: native
I am a citizen of the UAE.

18- Population: total number of people living in an area
Most of the people in the population in the UAE are foreigners.

19- Foreign: strange
There are too many foreign languages in the UAE.

20- Worsen: get worse
Traffic in the UAE is worsening every day.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Abdulla Khalid & Al Munther - Toyota Motors

- 11-4-2010
- 10:50 – 11:05
- F52
1. Abdulla Khalid
2. Al Munther
- Toyota Motors
- There are 11 slides about Toyota Motors.
- yes
- yes
Body language:
- good
Eye contact:
- good
- good
- yes
- yes
1. Why did you choose Toyota Company?

Abdulrahman Saif & Mohsen - Emirates in the past

· Date:

- 11-4-2010

· Time:

- 11:20 – 11:35

· Venue:

- F52

· Presenters:

1. Abdurrahman Saif

2. Mohsen

· Subject:

- The Emirates in the past

· Slides:

- There are 15 slides.

· Colorful:

- No, it was only white and black.

· Informative:

- yes

· Body language:

- good

· Eye contact:

- good

· English:

- good

· Clear:

- yes

· Accurate:

- yes

· Questions:

1. Can you give me some examples about the materials?

2. Are the fishermen today Arabs and Emiratis?

Fahad Al Mesabi & Mohammed Al Hammadi - Recycling

- 11-4-2010
- 11:40 – 11:55
- F52
1. Fahad Al Mesabi
2. Mohammed Al Hammadi
- Recycling
- There are 10 slides.
- yes.
- yes
Body language:
- good
Eye contact:
- good
- good
- yes
- yes
1. How do they recycle the papers and the cans?
2. Is there recycling in the UAE?

Rashid Al Menhali - Smoking

· Date:

- 12-4-2010

· Time:

- 01:10 – 01:25

· Venue:

- F52

· Presenters:

1. Rashid Al Menhaly

· Subject:

- Smoking

· Slides:

- There are 8 slides.

· Colorful:

- Yes

· Informative:

- yes

· Body language:

- good

· Eye contact:

- good

· English:

- good

· Clear:

- yes

· Accurate:

- yes

· Questions:

1. Why do Emiratis smoke pipes?

Mohammed Al Zaabi & Sultan Al Marzougy - business

· Date:
- 12-4-2010
· Time:
- 12:55 – 01:10
· Venue:
- F52
· Presenters:
1. Mohammed Al Zaabi
2. Sultan Al Marzoogy
· Subject:
- Business
· Slides:
- There are 10 slides.
· Colorful:
- No
· Informative:
- yes
· Body language:
- good
· Eye contact:
- good
· English:
- good
· Clear:
- yes
· Accurate:
- yes
· Questions:
1. From where did you get the information?
2. Why did you choose this subject?
3. What does entrepreneurship mean?

Salem Al Mazrouei - Smoking

· Date:
- 18-4-2010
· Time:
- 10:20 – 10:30
· Venue:
- F52
· Presenters:
1. Salem Al Mazrouei
· Subject:
- Smoking
· Slides:
- There are 8 slides.
· Colorful:
- Yes
· Informative:
- yes
· Body language:
- good
· Eye contact:
- good
· English:
- good
· Clear:
- yes
· Accurate:
- yes
· Questions:
1. How can the government make the smoking illegal?
2. How can we stop smoking?
3. What is your opinion about the new rule of not allowing smoking in the general places?

Mohammed Saleh & Saoud

· Date:

- 13-4-2010

· Time:

- 12:35 – 12:54

· Venue:

- F52

· Presenters:

1. Mohammed Saleh & Saoud Abdulla

· Subject:

- Preserving our culture

· Slides:

- There are 8 slides.

· Colorful:

- yes

· Informative:

- yes

· Body language:

- good

· Eye contact:

- good

· English:

- good

· Clear:

- yes

· Accurate:

- yes

· Questions:

- We asked questions and they answered them correctly.

Mr. Hedley & Ahmed Al Mansoori

Date: 30.03.2010

Time: 12:25 – 12:45

Venue: F52

Presenters: Ahmed Ali + Hedley

Subject: Polluted cities worldwide


· How many ? 11

· colorful ? not very much

· Informative ? yes

· interesting ? yes

Body Language:

· Hedley had very nice body language but Ahmed so calm because he is a student and he is not used to do this.

Eye contact:

· They were very good


· Accurate? Yes

· Clear ? yes

Questions: no questions and no comments.

Saif & Faisal

· Date:

- 12-4-2010

· Time:

- 12:10 – 12:30

· Venue:

- F52

· Presenters:

1. Saif Al Khaily

2. Faisal Al Dhahery

· Subject:

- Traditions and Cultures

· Slides:

- There are 15 slides.

· Colorful:

- No

· Informative:

- yes

· Body language:

- good

· Eye contact:

- good

· English:

- good

· Clear:

- yes

· Accurate:

- yes

· Questions:

1. From where did you get the information?

2. Why did you choose this subject?

Ahmed Al Braiky & Abdulla Masoud

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 11:42 – 11:55

Venue: F52

Presenters: Ahmed Al Braiky & Abdulla Masoud

Subject : Water Consumption


· How many ? 12

· colorful ? yes

· Informative ? yes

· interesting ? yes

Body Language:

· Hedley had very nice body language but Ahmed so calm because he is a student and he is not used to do this.

Eye contact:

· Yes


· Accurate? Yes

· Clear ? yes


- Yes, there were several questions and we answered them correctly.


- I was reading from the slides because i couldn't put them in my mind, but next time I will try to not read them again.