Tuesday 8 December 2009

The technology between the past and the present

There is no doubt that nowadays business companies and marketing corporations work with the best and most ideal strategies and plans. One main reason behind that is the use of computers. The computer made the life very much easier because with it you can send emails and information anywhere just in a few seconds. Also you can save any data and information in the computer easily.

Some people might take things for granted and not even appreciate the role that computers take in leading business corporations. If we compare how businesses nowadays operate with businesses 20 years ago, we would find that today, businesses depend mostly or almost entirely on computers and other technological devices in general such as mobile phones and faxes, which actually is the main reason behind the success of most corporations.

Computers come in handy in businesses because they do most of the work instead of man; large amounts of data can be sent from one computer for instance in Shanghai to another computer device in Toronto. Computers play a significant role in inventory control, processing and handling orders, communication between satellite companies in an organization, design and production of goods, manufacturing, product and market analysis, advertising, producing the company newsletter, and in some cases, complete control of company operations. Another advantage of computers is that they execute operations much faster and more efficiently than humans, which eventually results in saving time and money. (www.hotmail.com). Some businessmen depend on computers for most of their work, because some plans or strategies or procedures can be hectic for a human to take care of.

A computer is made up of 3 main components, a CPU, the Central Processing Unit, which is considered the brain of the computer, where every single bit of information is executed at, and interpreted into a symbol or a character or even a picture. The second component is the RAM; the Random Access Memory, which holds data which is being used at a given moment or recently used data, that can come in handy for multitasking business programs. Last but not least is the Hard Drive, which is the bank of data that is stored on the computer. With these three main components plus a graphical interface, businesses can manage all or most of their work faster, easier, more efficiently and cheaper. Also there is software which is a part of the computer you cannot touch but is very important. The software is all the programming that makes the computer run, controlling everything that the computer does. There are some other external components which are very important for every computer and they are the monitor, mouse, key board and computer case. The Monitor is the display screen, similar to a television screen. The Keyboard is what you type on, similar to a typewriter. The Mouse is the small hand held device that attaches to the computer. It may have two or three buttons. The mouse is used to move the cursor (pointer) on the computer screen. The Computer, tower, or case is the heart of the system. This is a box that contains all the parts that make the computer work. It can be identified by the fact that it does not seem to do anything. It also has slots to put computer disks in. Also there are some additional devices and accessories which are the printer and the scanner. The Printer is a device that puts what you have created on to paper. (http://www.printer.com). The Scanner is a device that captures pictures so that they can be seen and used on the computer, similar to a color photocopier.

604 words.

1- www.hotmail.com

2- www.printer.com

1 comment:

  1. You need 3 inline citations which also need to appear in your bibliography
